Evaluating the Effectiveness of Altering the Distribution of UAS to Enhance Intercommunication
Presenter: Tanner Green, Fulton College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Using Transient Hot-Wires in 3D Printed Materials
Presenter: Conner Mantz, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Bramante's Proportions
Presenter: Taylor Mumford, College of Engineering & Technology, Architecture
Constructing an Assembler and Virtual Machine
Presenter: Devin Wright, College of Engineering and Technology, Computer Science
Presenter: McCall Soifua, College of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, Interior Design
Decentralized Learning of Search Parameters for Cooperating Vehicles Using Gaussian Process Regression
Presenter: Christine Akagi, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering
The Effects of 3D Printing on the Heat Distribution of Microfluidic Chips using Self-Contained Resistive Heating
Presenters: Garrett Hawkins, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Leveraging Commercial Nuclear Reactors to Power Space Exploration
Presenter: Benjamin Johnson, College of Engineering and Technology, Chemical Engineering
Don’t Block Me: Toward A Foundation of Tech-Aware Copyright Practice
Presenter: Travis Skene, College of Engineering & Technology, Computer Science
Less is more or less is a bore? A study on architectural simplicity and complexity.
Presenter: Riley Winter, Engineering and Design Technology, Architecture
Faster RCNN on Pelican Detection
Presenters: Swornim Chhetri, College of Computer Sciences, Computer Science
Salty Digs
Presenter: Sandra Call, College of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, Interior Design
The effects of observational nudging on WRF simulations
Presenter: Ariel Green, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Rapid Detection and Monitoring of Nitrates in Water Using Low-Cost Equipment
Presenter: Michael Harmon, College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Physical Sciences
Education in Building Tectonics Through Craft
Presenter: Lindsey Barker, College of Engineering and Technology, Architecture & Engineering Design
Optimizing Piezoelectric Process Parameters for Self-Charging Power Cells
Presenters: Paige Leland, College of Engineering, Chemical
Toward a Metric for Assessing Ideological Devotion within Technical Communities
Presenter: Michael Harding, College of Engineering & Technology, Computer Science
Form or Function? Investigating Mosque Architecture
Presenter: Dylan Hare, College of Engineering and Technology, Architecture
Authentic Affordable Achitecture
Presenter: Zach Haws, College of Engineering and Technology, Architecture
Observational Study of Seatbelt Use at Utah Valley University
Presenter: Steven Taylor, College of Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering
Shaker Table For Reverse Electrowetting Energy Harvesting
Presenter: Ryan Turley, College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Department of Engineering
Longitudinal Geometry of Pig Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF)
Presenter: Savanna Cahoon, College of Science, Biology
Thymine Dependent Bacillus subtilis for Spore Containment
Presenter: Julissa van Renselaar, College of Engineering, Biological Engineering
Improving Upper-Limb Prostheses Control via Optimizing sEMG Electrode Number and Location
Presenter: Gursirat Grewal, College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Single Differential All Wheel Drive
Presenter: Chandler Flinderes, College of Engineering & Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Results from a survey on Architectural Beauty
Presenter: Ian Hargrave, College of Engineering and Technology, Architecture and Engineering Design
Understanding the Lost Art of Architectural Craft
Presenter: Wesley Romeril, College of Engineering and Technology, Architecture and Engineering Design
Clear Thinking
Presenter: Kimberly Wright, College of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, Interior Design
Designing a Carbon Infiltration-Carbon Nanotube Filtration Device to Separate Oil from Fracking Waste
Brian Jensen; Phillip Ng, Brigham Young University The purpose of this project is to invent a device capable of filtrating oil from fracking waste using a system of Carbon Infiltrated Carbon Nanotubes (CI-CNT) and its passive filtration properties. Fracking produces harmful waste material that pollutes clean water. A large-scale CI-CNT device that can filter large amounts of the microscopic oil particles from the waste will offer drilling companies a viable option to reuse the fracking mixture collected from after the fracking process instead of burying their unusable waste material underground, thereby causing less environmental damage. Pyrolytic CI-CNT’s can isolate water and oil molecules due to their superhydrophobic and oleophilic properties, unique cylindrical nanostructure, and functional groups. The CI-CNT’s will be grown on a stainless steel substrate that will give us the robustness and material properties needed to withstand the forces from fluid flow. We have designed a long channel with unique mechanical features that we anticipate will effectively separate oil from fracking waste as it interacts with it by splashing, rolling, and flowing across its surface.
Stroke Optimization for Petroleum Rod Pumping
Craig Schoenberger; Nathan Van Katwyk; Jens Griffin; Insu Kim, Brigham Young University
Surrogate Model of Propeller on Propeller Fluid Interaction
Austin Schenk, Brigham Young University
Effects of coral mining on community dominance of macroalgae vs scleractinian coral on three reefs near islands of varying coral wall volumes in the corregimiento Nargana, Guna Yala Province, PanamÌÁ
Jackson Podis, Westminster College In the Guna Yala archipelago, PanamÌÁ, the removal of coral species for construction of coral walls has been a common practice for the Guna Yala indigenous group. This practice has the potential to drastically alter the community structure of offshore reefs. This study analyzed three reefs offshore of islands with varying coral wall volumes to quantify macroalgae and scleractinian coral cover, diversity of scleractinian coral species, and correlation between macroalgae and scleractinian coral cover. All three study sites exhibited significant differences in scleractinian coral coverage; a significant negative correlation was shown between scleractinian coral cover and macroalgal cover, and the site with the largest coral wall volume showed the lowest rates of coral species commonly used for mining. These results are telling of the potential effects coral mining can have on coral reefs in the Guna Yala archipelago, and aim to inform the development of marine resource management plans in the future.
Permanently Fog-Resistant Surfaces Optimized for Polycarbonate
Thomas Shober; Jaxon Roller; Ashley Kennedy, University of Utah
Line Upon Line: Engineering Strong 3-Dimensional Cardiac Tissue
Joseph Rich, Brigham Young University
Using Collagen Hydrogels to 3D Print Blood Vessels
Mary Rosbach, Brigham Young University
Simulating Coal Transportation with Carbon Dioxide
Ariel Green; Taylor Schroedter, Brigham Young University
Solar Updraft Towers to Clean the Air and Reduce Inversions
Austin Bettridge, Utah Valley University
Floating Microalgae Harvesting Boat to Prevent Algal Blooms and Produce Renewable Energy
Anastasiia Matkovska; Austin Bettridge; Blake Allred; Jeff Keller, Utah Valley University
Ionic Liquids as Green Biofuel Extraction
TaylorAnn Christensen, Dixie State University
Utilization of Fluid Dynamic Testing to Improve Fluid Transport on Microfluidic PCR Chips
Hayden Brady; Alex Jafek; Sean Harbertson; Raheel Samuel, University of Utah
Separation of biofuels from ionic liquids via reversible solubility
Rhianna Wolsleger, Dixie State University
Relational Reinforcement Learning and the Curse of Dimensionality
Joseph Millar, Utah Valley University
Submillimeter Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Microfluidics
Chase Omana, University of Utah
Axisymmetric Turbulent Wake Development
Kyle Hakes; Heather Erickson, Brigham Young University
Kinematics of the first and fifth metatarsals as determined by high-speed dual fluoroscopy
Konstantinos Karpos; Koren Roach, University of Utah
The Solar Patch: Mobile Device Charging Module
Nathanael Nelson, Brigham Young University
Comparison of two common methods used to calibrate motion capture systems
Ryan Clark; Taylor Dickinson; Johnfredy Loaiza; Kari Beardsley; Dan Geiger, Brigham Young University