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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation

2014 Abstracts

A Novel Romance: Parasocial Interaction, Attachment Style, and Jealousy in female readers’ romantic relationships

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Emma Josey, Dixie State University Communications Romance novels seem to be a staple in the devoted reader’s array of books and have remained an extremely popular genre throughout the centuries. Not only are the actual stories appealing to the readers, but some readers go a step further and interact with or create a relationship with characters themselves. A phenomenon called parasocial interaction. This research study seeks to discover if the parasocial interactions female romance novel readers experience relate to a practice of a particular attachment style and jealousy in their romantic relationships. These characteristics are important to the health and sustainability of people’s romantic relationships, and this study seeks to learn whether or not the quasi relationships romance novel readers create with characters influences those relationships.

How a Small Group of Middle School Students Engaged with Data and Evidence While Addressing a Local Water Quality Issue

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
David Turner, Utah State University Education Problem based learning is an approach to education where students develop solutions to authentic problems (Hmelo-Silver, 2004) with support from scaffolding (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976; Reiser, 2004). Computer based scaffolding helps students organize thoughts and arguments while solving problems (Belland, Glazewski & Richardson, 2008). We examined how students from one small group constructed order in their interactions and arguments as they solved an environmental issue using a stakeholder lens.

The Need for Teacher Evaluations in High Schools

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Tyler Mathis, Brigham Young University Education We need to improve our educational system through giving our teachers more chances to be given constructive feedback through teacher evaluations. As teachers receive feedback and are put through effective teacher evaluations their performance will improve and the upcoming generation will be more educated. This will greatly beneficial to the future of our society as a whole. Teacher evaluations is an important topic to raise awareness of to help produce effective and beneficial teaching to the upcoming generation. The topic I will address is how we can make teacher evaluations more effective by exploring ways to quantitatively measure teachers’ effectiveness through examining student gains. I will also examine why implementing teacher observations will be an asset to teacher performance and a necessity in teacher evaluations.

Examining Student Performance Related to the Use of E-text/Course Content in Business School Classrooms

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Shadlan Gale, Utah Valley University Education This paper presents ongoing research comparing the learning performance of students using online and electronic textbooks/course content (e-text) for business-related classes versus students using traditional, hard-copy textbooks. In fall 2013, the Woodbury School of Business (WSB) at Utah Valley University (UVU) converted over fifty courses to e-text only. The WSB made this transition in many of its classes for various financial reasons as well as to provide students with a more interactive way of learning course material through the application of the additional learning tools that can only be found within the e-text platforms. In a previously published paper, the authors showed that no statistical difference was found in test scores for students at UVU taking a class which implemented the use of e-text among three different delivery types: live, hybrid, and online. This paper focuses more on discovering if student performance and test scores change by using e-text versus hard-copy textbooks and not in relation to the delivery type of the course.

English Language Learners in a Kindergarten Classroom: How pre-service teachers can help them improve reading competency

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Shawnie Cram, Dixie State University Education English Language Learners (ELL) are confronted with many challenges such as insufficient language proficiency, lack of content knowledge, and adjusting to a new culture. Classroom teachers make efforts to effectively work with these students so they can become a vital member of the classroom community. However, if there is only one teacher in a classroom, they often do not have the time to assist the ELL at an adequate level. Using the participatory action research approach, this paper examines the ways in which a pre-service teacher can assist the classroom teacher by clearly identifying the goal for the ELL student. The goal set by the classroom teacher for this *ELL student is to reach grade level reading competency by the end of the academic school year. Through comprehensive discussions between the classroom and pre-service teacher, the methods and strategies based on Second Language Acquisition theories were decided to be implemented as tools of instruction. The pedagogy of reading across curriculum in a kindergarten classroom is utilized as the basic mode of instruction as the pre-service teacher and the classroom teacher collaboratively use different methods and strategies. The current data of the action research indicates that in three months, the ELL will reach approaching grade level proficiency with the assistance of the pre-service teacher. By the end of the academic school year, the author anticipates the ELL will demonstrate his reading competency at grade level.

Use of Discourse Analysis to Identify Misconceptions in an Engineering Statics Course

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Christopher Green, Utah State University Education Statics is a gateway engineering course. Many students use their performance in a statics course to evaluate and judge their desire to continue within an engineering field. Students’ performance can be adversely impacted by misconceptions they may have regarding class content and analysis techniques. Feedback from instructors can help students navigate through their misconceptions. It is critical that this feedback be concise and timely to prevent a slip in self-efficacy, or an increase in their frustration. Both factors can negatively impact a student’s desire to persist in engineering. Implementation of online learning logs allows students a timely communication avenue that can reveal to the instructor indications of such factors. This study is designed to explore common misconceptions exhibited through learning logs in a pre-professional engineering statics class. Ninety student logs were consensually evaluated in a fall 2013 statics course delivered at Utah State University. A “discourse analysis” technique was used to review learning log data to discover students’ trouble areas within the class. Results indicate typical stumbling areas that students encounter in a statics course and allow insight into specific instruction areas that need to be refined to better deliver content to the class as well as individuals.

Evaluating the Utility of the Teacher Behavior Checklist as a Tool for Assessing Graduate Instructor Performance

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jessica Hill, Utah Valley University Education The transition to junior faculty member can be difficult for graduate students (Sorcinelli, 1992). Despite significant teaching requirements for most assistant professor positions, many graduate programs minimize teaching experiences. Due to this climate, the developmental process of novice graduate instructors is poorly understood (McKeachie & Svinicki, 2010). We investigated the utility of the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC), a measurement tool developed by studying master teachers (Buskist et al., 2002), as a means to evaluate classroom performance of first-time and novice graduate instructors (GIs).

Exploring Compliant Haptic Devices

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Neil Hinckley, Brigham Young University Engineering Due to the increasing interest in combining the physical and digital world devices which allow users to naturally interact with digital systems are becoming much more important and prevalent. In order to improve upon standard haptic controllers and interfaces we explored compliant haptic devices, which us a compliant member to provide tunable force feedback to users. We were able to produce a prototype device and demonstrate some of the capabilities and advantages of compliant haptic devices.

A High-throughput Linear Expression Template System for Analyzing Protein Activity and Stability

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Mark Lindsay, Brigham Young University Engineering The protein production industry which creates vaccines, cancer drugs, and enzymes for chemical manufacturing and biocatalysis has revenue of over $160 billion a year. However, there are several significant protein production obstacles: high production costs exacerbated by difficulties with protein purification, retention, and stability. By better understanding protein structure and function we can resolve these issues. However, traditional methods of studying protein structure and function are costly and time consuming, taking several days to even a week to study one or a few sites. We have developed a process to study up to potentially hundreds of sites simultaneously in a matter of hours.

The effect of sugar on cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Brad Hancock, Brigham Young University Engineering Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is a reaction used to convert carbon monoxide and hydrogen into high-quality liquid fuels. The reaction takes place in the presence of a cobalt- or iron-based catalyst. An important factor in how well a catalyst works is how highly it is dispersed on a given support. Sugar can be used to increase the viscosity of the impregnation solution to change the dispersion of the cobalt on the alumina support. The present study will determine the effect of adding sugar to the impregnating solution and dispersion of cobalt on the alumina support.

Investigating Linear DNA Expression Templates

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Christopher Werner, Brigham Young University Engineering Preparation of DNA linear expression templates (LET) via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is significantly faster than procurement of DNA via cell growth and plasmid purification. Unfortunately, linear templates have not consistently achieved protein yields comparable to plasmids in cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS). Possible reasons for lower LET yields were investigated by producing a number of different extracts. Extracts were differentiated by varying harvest time after induction and modifying the extract preparation procedure. These extracts were tested with py71 sfGFP plasmid (producing a reporter protein) and LET’s created through PCR from the same plasmid. Protein yields obtained by fluorescence measurement were plotted against combined tRNA and rRNA amounts obtained through DNA electrophoreses and densitometry. A correlation was seen between tRNA and rRNA amounts and a normalized LET yield (LET yield divided by the plasmid yield under identical conditions). We considered two reasons for this correlation. First, the increased tRNA and rRNA indicated and increase in the concentration of cell translation machinery present, which increased the kinetics of the reaction, allowing LET’s to produce protein quicker before degradation by Deoxyribonucleases (DNAse). Second, the increased tRNA and rRNA amounts acted as a shield for mRNA from Ribonucleases, allowing more of the mRNA to be translated before LET’s were degraded by DNAse’s. Further work must be done to verify the accuracy of this correlation, as well as to determine the cause for increased LET yields in extracts with higher tRNA and rRNA amounts.

Piezoelectric Foam Sensors and Their Application in Sport Related Concussions

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Parker Rosquist, Brigham Young University Engineering This paper presents a newly discovered class of foam-based nano-composite materials with self-sensing properties. By embedding nano-particles in high-elongation foams, materials are created that display piezoelectric characteristics when any deformation is applied. When used in place of regular padding materials, they become impact sensors for a range of applications. The physics behind the phenomenon, and the optimization of the material response, are explored in this article.

Targeting Near Coastal Regions for Special Wind Retrieval Processing on a Global Scale

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Dayton Minore, Brigham Young University Engineering Microwave scatterometers, which use radar backscatter measurements from satellites to infer wind vectors near the ocean’s surface, have the ability to monitor global wind speeds at high resolutions. Such data is used for weather forecasting and climate research. However, scatterometer observations can be contaminated by land proximity. Consequently, current methods do not use measurements within 30 km of the coast (about 10.6 million square kilometers worldwide) in the data set. This unused data can be utilized by a recently developed algorithm that can measure winds as close as 5 km to the coast. The author proposes that areas near land can be systematically targeted for special processing, providing valuable near coastal wind data. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the targeting method on a global scale, a sample 4-day data set will be processed. The data is to be stored and published in compatible file formats to current wind data, so that it will be easily usable by wind-vector users.

Cultivation theory and video games: The effect of video games on perception

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Taylor Topham, Dixie State University Communications With the new generations comes new forms of entertainment. Rarely is there a home without a television. The Cultivation Theory presented by George Gerbner and his colleagues states that television is so common in our society that it has an affect on our perceptions of the world. The Cultivation Theory specifically looks at violence on television and its effects on the viewer. Those that are heavy viewers of television often have what is known as mean-world syndrome. Because of the violence they watch on television, they are more likely to see the world as a violent place (Littlejohn & Foss, 2011). Along with a television often comes some type of video gaming system. Studies state that over 65% of North American households now have a video gaming system (Chiawen, Aiken & Huang, 2012). The purpose of this research is to determine if video gaming effects the perception of individuals similarly to that of television as described by George Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory.

Communication & Single Parent Families; Support Programs Impact Communication Between Parents and Children.

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Indigo Klabanoff, Dixie State University Communications With globalization and the minority population changing, it is extremely important to learn the real statistics that are out there when it comes to single parenting. The most important thing though, is to figure out is which communication styles work in healthy communication, with single parent families.

Mother and Child Factors Influence on Parent Language

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Kristin Murphy, Utah State University Education Past research shows that parents interact more positively with their children and use more supportive language during play than during teaching interactions (Kwon, Bingham, Lewsader, Jeon, & Elicker, 2013). Children with normal language development tend to have parents who use more language supporting speech, (Vigil, Hodges, & Klee, 2005) than parents of children with language delays. The specific research question addressed in this study is: Do maternal (maternal depression, education levels, parenting stress) or child factors (language development, social-emotional development) influence maternal language behaviors in teaching and play contexts?

The Parent-Teacher-Student Triad in Mexico

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jonathan Welling, Brigham Young University Education The demographic shift of Mexican immigrants within the public school system in the US has created a great need for teachers to better understand the expectations that immigrant families bring with them from their education system in Mexico. This research provides contextual information to educational stakeholders in the US to better accommodate to the needs of immigrant students from Mexico. This study explores the norms, roles and expectations of teachers, parent and students in the education system in Irapuato, Mexico. Data was collected from observations and interviews with teacher, parents and students from three different public high schools in Irapuato, Mexico: CBTis- a technical school, The Official Preparatory School of Irapuato- a standard public school and SABES- a small rural school. Analysis was done using a systematic approach of open coding to identify emergent themes. Preliminary results provide contextual information explaining the expectations parents hold for the teachers in Irapuato, Mexico. The data is valuable in understanding the norms, expectations and perceived roles held immigrant Mexican families. Applications of this data may be used to facilitate both collaboration between teachers and Mexican immigrant parents and the adjustment of immigrant students to a new educational system.

Peer Mentor Successes in a Low-performing, Upper Division Science Course

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
John Lorz, Utah Valley University Education How about a 20% increase in the class average on the mid-term exam compared with the previous two academic years of the same course? In this session two students share their experiences as (newly piloted) peer mentors in a low-performing, upper division genetics class. Student attitudes towards genetics improved and both mid-term and final grades increased by double-digit percentages. Not only did these peer mentors increase student success, but also experienced a personal developmental opportunity in preparation for graduate school, including this conference presentation and an anticipated peer-reviewed publication to follow.

Learning Two Languages: A Longitudinal Investigation of Discourse Skills for Spanish-English Bilinguals

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Stone Samantha, Utah State University Education The present study investigated language growth over the course of 3 years for 50 Spanish-English Bilingual children who were learning English as their second language. Children were asked to retell a story in English and in Spanish at 6 time points (before and after Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades). The stories were transcribed and utterances were coded as to whether they contained mazing behaviors such as revisions, false starts and corrections and also coded for the level of syntactic complexity (simple or complex) they contained. Simple sentences contained one main verb, and complex sentences contained two or more main verbs. The presence of mazing is thought to indicate hesitation or difficulty in lexical retrieval and might be expected to occur more in complex than simple sentences. Further, we hypothesized that children would evidence more mazing behaviors in their non-native language (English) than their native language (Spanish). Ultimately, we theorized that children’s use of mazes in English would decrease over time, as they became more proficient in their second language (English). Some of the children were receiving instruction in schools classified as “English Immersion” models, and others were in schools that incorporated a “Transitional” approach to instruction. Results are discussed in terms of current theoretical models of bilingual language acquisition and variations in outcomes as a function of current instructional models.

Immobilizing Biocatalysts onto Surfaces

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Christopher Hutchings, Brigham Young University Engineering The biocatalysis industry has been rapidly expanding due to the fact that there has been a greater demand for ecologically friendly manufacturing processes. The benefit of biocatalytic systems is that it enables stereo-, chemo-, and regio- specificity in chemical manufacturing. This in turn reduces wasteful byproducts from chemical manufacturing. This is especially valuable in industries where removal of chemically similar but physically harmful waste products is essential. The problem with the traditional biocatalytic processes is that they are hindered from limitations in areas such as enzyme stability, leaching, recoverability, and reusability. These limitations significantly impede the cost-effectiveness of biocatalysis for industrial applications. The processes of enzyme immobilization like adsorption, entrapment, and other such forms of immobilizations provide improvements such as stability, recoverability, and reusability. Though they provide improvements they also go through enzyme leaching, complicated or even toxic conjugation procedures and have a lack of specificity to attachment location from. This ends in being counterintuitive and defeats the purpose of enzyme immobilization. It is here we start to build upon the recent advancements in unnatural amino acid and incorporating them into enzymes to demonstrate a biocompatible and covalent enzyme immobilization process that improves protein stability and enables attachment orientation control. This system we refer to as the Protein Residue-Explicit Covalent Immobilization for Stability Enhancement or PRECISE system, and it permits the covalent attachment of enzymes at potentially any location on the enzyme onto a surface. Using this process, we create reusable enzymes that are more stable and more resistant to harsh conditions. We have also concluded from this process that there is no leaching and increased stability from immobilization with the enzyme with satisfactory results in enzyme activity.

Optimization of Decellularization Processes for Renal Structures

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jeffery Nielson, Brigham Young University Engineering Annually, 500,000 US inhabitants suffer from end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Allogeneic transplantation struggles with few donors and the high risk of organ rejection. Decellularized kidneys reseeded with autologous cells present a promising solution. Proposed decellularization methods require long times or high flow rates that may damage extracellular matrices’ (ECMs’) native architecture and lead to implantation thrombosis. We aim to optimize decellularization to preserve ECM integrity for subsequent recellularization and reimplantation.

Change, Conflict and Community in Utah’s West Desert: Industrialization in Tooele as Portrayed by Community Newspapers

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Emma Penrod, Brigham Young University Communications A newspaper is the catalog of a community’s past. I spent about three years researching the impact of industrialization on Tooele from a variety of angles, primarily by reading archived newspapers from 1905 to 1970. During this time, I also collected and scanned nearly 200 original photographs. Industrialization came to Tooele in force in 1908, with the construction on the International Smelter and the Tooele Valley Railroad. Prior to the railroad and the smelter, Tooele was a small, predominantly Mormon community with an agrarian economy. Construction of the railroad, the smelter, and several affiliated projects could have employed 72 percent of every man, woman and child living in Tooele City in the early 1900s. An influx of immigrants changed the social landscape dramatically, reshaping Tooele as one of Utah’s most diverse communities. Through the early 1900s, conflict between the original Mormon settlers and the transplants embroiled the community in something of a perpetual identity crisis. Temporarily, a sort of physical segregation solved the problem-Mormons lived west of Main Street, and the immigrants set up shop east of Main Street. But it wouldn’t be long before the Tooele newspapers came to accept the newcomers and the advertising revenue they had to offer. The Great Depression and football, of all things, finally brought the community back together, and throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the immigrant families were invited to fly their native colors at important community events that celebrated Tooele’s heritage.

Connecting to the Community: Service-Learning Methods in an ESL Classroom

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Chelsey Funk, Utah State University Education High school English as a Second Language (ESL) students often feel separated from their schools and communities. These feelings of separation can lead to low engagement and low achievement despite the students’ desire to do well in school. One method used to counter low engagement in mainstream classes is service learning, but there is little research on service learning with ESL students. In this study, an existing group of 9th grade ESL students was taught and observed to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of using service-learning methods. The project endeavored to tie academic work to community involvement and therefore increase student engagement and academic confidence. Throughout the implementation of the service-learning project, students displayed increased classroom involvement and reported improvements in attitudes and self-assurance. The methods and procedures described in this study can be adapted to larger class sizes and a variety of projects in order to increase engagement and academic confidence in ESL students.

3D Immersive Visualization Systems: The Vuepod

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Josephine Bastian, Brigham Young University Engineering 3D immersive visualization systems, or CAVEs™, have found wide adoption for use in geosciences, planetary science, medical research, and computer science. However, much of the potential for such systems in practical civil and environmental engineering settings has been severely limited due to 1) extreme costs in both hardware and software; 2) immobility due to calibration and darkroom requirements; and 3) extensive and expensive manpower requirements for both operation and maintenance. This project presents the development and testing of a new mobile low-cost immersive stereo visualization system – the “VuePod” – that attempts to address these challenges through the use of commercial-off-the-shelf technologies, open source software, consumer-grade passive 3-D television monitors, an active tracking system, and a modular construction approach. The VuePod capitalizes on recent functional advancements and cost decreases in both hardware and software and is demonstrated herein as a viable alternative to projector-based walk-in CAVEs and their limitations. A description of the hardware and its assembly, software and its configuration, and the modular structural system is presented as well as results from several benchmark computation and visualization tests.

Secretion and purification of recombinantly expressed synthetic spider silk protein in Escherichia coli

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Ryan Putman, Utah State University Engineering Spider silk possesses superior mechanical properties to most other biological or man-made materials. In particular, research has demonstrated that spider silk is as strong as Kevlar, yet much more elastic. The unique feature of both strength and elasticity naturally piques interest in numerous scientific fields (e.g. medical sutures, automobile seat belts, or athletic performance wear). However, the limiting factors in using spider silk on a commercial scale are the production of sufficient protein product and the ability to do so in a cost-effective manner. An additional challenge is due to the territorial and cannibalistic nature of spiders, which makes harvesting their silk from large “spider farms” an infeasible task. To overcome these limitations, an approach using synthetic biological engineering principles has been employed. This emerging field of study provides a powerful tool, the use of standard biological parts called BioBricks. Using these standard DNA parts, a genetic circuit with the necessary regulatory components was engineered to recombinantly produce a synthetic spider silk protein in the microorganism Escherichia coli, which will provide a more consistent and sustainable source of spider silk than by harvesting directly from spiders. Expression of this recombinant protein has been verified through SDS-PAGE protein gels and subsequent protein immunoblot. The next step is to create a genetic circuit that will be used to secrete the spider silk protein outside of the E. coli bacterium. This could greatly reduce the downstream processing costs associated with protein purification as well as potentially increase overall yield. Therefore, a genetic tag that targets products for secretion has been fused to the spider silk coding regions. Further testing is required to determine the difference in overall protein yield from secreting as opposed to non-secreting strains of the engineered bacteria. Once these values are determined, the production can be optimized and scaled-up.

MOS Current-Gain Characterization in Weak and Moderate Inversion Regions

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Michael Borgholthaus, Brigham State University Engineering This paper seeks to demonstrate the simulated gain characterization of MOS transistors in different regions of channel inversion on silicon. In the weak region of MOSFET inversion a constant value of gain is observed. When current is increased and the device determined to be strongly inverted the gain falls off with the square of k/L from this constant gain. Between the weak and strong inversion regions is the moderate inversion region. In the moderate inversion region the gain rises above the constant weak inversion value before falling off as the channel becomes strongly inverted. If biased to low or moderate inversion, amplifying circuits can achieve higher gain performance at low currents than could be achieved in the typical strong inversion region.

Pick On This, Make A Change: Helping Prevent Youth Bullying through Grassroots Public Relations

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Sydney Tycksen, Utah Valley University Communications An award winning research project, this summary highlights research conducted by Communication students at Utah Valley University of a grassroots public relations campaign created to increase awareness among middle school students, parents, educators, and community leaders of the serious short and long term consequences of youth bullying. The study also demonstrates how the campaign informed audiences of the steps they should take to help prevent bullying. The goal of the research was to understand the short-and-long term effects of bullying, types of bullying, and the prominence of bullying in the surrounding community where the research was conducted. A public relations strategic communication plan was developed based on the research to change bullying behavior in the community. The campaign aimed to spread awareness of the short and long term effects of bullying and outline the steps to report and prevent bullying through the development of strategies and tactics. These steps help students, parents, educators, and community members understand bullying, recognize the signs and types, and know the appropriate authority to whom to report the behavior. This presentation will show how the research provided the students with the information needed to establish measureable objectives for the campaign, reach their key publics and provide an evaluation of the strategies and tactics used to meet campaign objectives. The document reviews the outcome and evaluation of each strategy and tactic implemented during the campaign, including media relations and social media tactics, The summary concludes with an overview of how campaign objectives of teaching key publics how to take steps to prevent bullying were achieved due to thorough research and understanding of how to effectively use messaging to generate behavior changes within the key public.

Examining the Faculty Experience Related to the Use of E-text/Course Content in Business School Classrooms

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Shadlan Gale, Utah Valley University Education This paper presents ongoing research to examine faculty experience and attitudes toward the implementation of electronic textbooks/course content (e-text) for college courses. In fall 2013, the Woodbury School of Business (WSB) at Utah Valley University (UVU) converted over fifty courses to e-text only. The WSB made this transition in many of its classes to reduce costs and provide students with more interactive course materials through additional learning tools found within the e-text platforms.

General Biology: Can Alignment Make Students More Successful Critical Thinkers

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Skylar Larsen, Utah Valley University Education In science education, greater learning gains have been associated with engaged learning strategies over traditional lecture formats. This approach facilitates development of higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS; critical thinking and application of knowledge) which are not only imperative for all successful scientists but necessary for every citizen functioning in our society. Development of these HOCS, however, is not accomplished in some classrooms due to lack of alignment of learning objectives and evaluation, or lack of assessment of these skills entirely. Specifically, we asked how do learning goals and objectives align with assessments, and are learning gains on HOCS better achieved by students in more aligned classrooms tested with higher-cognitive level assessments?

Vapor-phase Deposition and Silane Functionality to Address Issues in Silane Capping of ZnO Nanoparticles for Use in Neurological Disorder Treatment

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Sean Bedingfield, Utah State University Engineering The delivery of zinc ions using ZnO nanoparticles within the body has been shown to cause the destruction of tumor cells and may also treat neurodegenerative disorders. The silane capping of ZnO nanoparticles is employed as a post-synthesis method to protect them from dissolution in polar solvents. Preliminary research demonstrates standard methods of silane capping result in aggregation of nanoparticles. Aggregation produces particles significantly larger than the original diameter of the nanoparticles, making them too large for some medical applications.

Instrumentation of a Force Measurement System for On-Ice Figure Skating Jumps

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Daniel Smith, Brigham Young University Engineering Although it is known as a graceful sport, figure skating can take a serious toll on skaters’ bodies. Considering that figure skaters commonly train five days per week, with 50-100 jumps per day, it is not surprising that repetitive stress injuries are a serious issue in figure skating. Because the forces associated with these jumps are poorly understood (including their magnitudes, loading rate, and when they occur) training plans designed to prevent injury are incapable of preparing athletes to best avoid their negative effects.

The Chess Process

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Todd Davis, Brigham Young University Engineering Oil shale is a sedimentary rock containing about 10% oil hydrocarbons. The United States has about 4 trillion barrels of oil in large regions of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. The hydrocarbons can be extracted by heating the shale to about 1000 F. This requires excessive amounts of energy, making it difficult to extract more energy than is consumed. We are researching a method to reuse or recycle the thermal energy of the heated shale back into the whole process, increasing the efficiency. This method is analogous to co-current or counter-flow heat exchangers in fluid flow. We are currently researching counter-current flow. To accomplish this we designed our retort (high heat kiln) to move the oil shale through a series of baffles. As it flows, the shale is heated and the oil is extracted as it becomes a vapor. A vacuum pump extracts this energy rich vapor out of the retort where it is condensed into a liquid oil. Meanwhile, the heated inert rock of the shale is returned adjacent to the incoming cold shale (counter-current heat exchange). This proximity of heated shale to cold shale allows the thermal energy to be transferred. 80% of the sensible heat has been recovered in our research. As stated above, the whole mechanism for this process is a rotating retort (kiln). The retort is about a 1 meter in length and ½ a meter in diameter. The kiln, on its small scale, can process about 5 tons oil shale/day. This comes to be about 85 gal Oil/day or 1.5 barrels/day.

Regenerative Measures for Neurosurgical Interventions

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Mitchel Faulkner, Brigham Young University Engineering Introduction

Family Write Night

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Michelle Fordham, Utah Valley University Education A Family Write Night is an opportunity for teachers, students, and parents to come together to learn about the different stages of writing development and what writing does for the student at any level. Since writing will strengthen and enhance the student in other literacy skills and knowledge, bringing these students and families together in a friendly, casual atmosphere to provide enjoyable, non-assessed activities builds confidence in a writer’s sense of who they are, their voices as writers, as well as developing critical thinking skills. Parent and family involvement is a key component of this activity. Having families, students, and teachers working together to encourage writing at home builds strong family bonds while strengthening writing skills.

Benefits of Using RA and SQL Together in an Educational Environment

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Bryce Ostler, Utah Valley University Engineering Much of SQL’s power derives from SQL’s declarative rather than procedural nature: a programmer describes the result desired rather than how to produce the result. Systems using SQL must translate SQL’s declarative language into a procedural language in order to execute queries. Relational Algebra (RA) is a procedural language that SQL can be transformed into and executed on a computer using a RA engine. Optimizations are applied to RA code to improve the performance of a translated query. The author of this abstract will present a simple RA engine written in Python and how it has been used as part of a Database Theory course.

Ideal Combustion Efficiency of a Survival Biomass Cookstove

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Cameron Bell, Brigham Young University Engineering 72-hour emergency kits are often inadequately equipped; they lack means to treat water or cook food, compromising chances of survival in an extended critical situation. Dr. Jones and I aim to develop a foldable, lightweight biomass cookstove to solve this problem.

Developing a Kinetic Model and Identifying Additional Factors for Müller Cell-Mediated Retinal Regeneration

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Christopher Burns, Brigham Young University Engineering People around the world suffer from degenerative diseases of the retina that can eventually lead to blindness, including age-related macular degeneration. The human retina does not regenerate spontaneously, increasing the severity and long-term effects of these diseases. Currently, a highly-successful treatment for degenerative diseases of the retina doesn’t exist. Some attempts at retinal regeneration have slowed or stopped degeneration (Lanza). However, restoration of sight to its pre-diseased state requires regeneration of retinal tissue, not simply impedance of degeneration.

Cryogenic Motion in Nickel Σ3 Grain Boundaries

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Cameron Rogers, Brigham Young University Engineering The mechanical properties of materials are greatly influenced by their microstructure. Grain boundaries, part of the microstructure, effect mechanical properties and the manufacturing of crystalline solids. Grain boundaries in nickel have been shone to be more mobile at temperatures approaching the melting temperature (Olmsted, Holm, and Foiles, 2009). However, little is know about their behavior at low temperatures, and the notion that mobility decreases with decreasing temperature may be incomplete. Using the molecular dynamic simulator LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) we are simulating the mobility of 41 Σ3 boundaries in nickel, a face centered cubic (FCC) metal, at various cryogenic temperatures. We have begun to see that these boundaries defy the previously stated notion and move faster with decreasing temperature. Using these molecular simulations we are also investigating the underlying mechanisms for this phenomenon, which could lead to further investigation.

Characterizing Electric Fields within an Ion Trap Using Optical Fiber Based Sensors

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
LeGrand Shumway, Brigham Young University Engineering Ion traps are widely used in the field of mass spectrometry. These devices use high electric fields to mass-selectively trap, eject, and count the particles of a material, producing a mass spectrum of the given substance. Because of the usefulness of these devices, technology pushes for smaller, more portable ion traps for field use.

Cell-free Unnatural Amino Acid Incorporation using Linear Expression Templates

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jeremy Hunt, Brigham Young University Engineering Unnatural amino acid incorporation is a power tool in the synthetic biology toolbox that allows for unique residue chemistry to be incorporated into proteins. This technology has many promising applications in areas such as protein-protein interaction, biotherapeutics, biosensing, and biocatalysis. One challenge of uAA-incorporation is the current inability to properly predict the impact of the novel uAA-residue chemistry on proper protein folding and function. Therefore, a screening technology would be desirable to rapidly assess the viability of uAA-incorporation sites. Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) provides a promising basis for rapid screening technologies. The open environment of CFPS has a variety of advantages over conventional in vivo systems, such as direct monitoring, selective protein expression, and facile deployment of synthetic pathways. Another primary benefit CFPS has over in vivo expression is the ability to directly express proteins from PCR-generated products, known as linear expression templates (LETs). The use of LETs decreases the labor and time to expression of recombinant proteins. Thus, LET-based CFPS is a propitious system for rapid screening of uAA-incorporation. Here we demonstrate uAA-incorporation using LET-based CFPS and identify how this technology can significantly reduce time and labor to rapidly express proteins containing uAAs.

The Effects of Photographic versus Computer Mediated Video Stimuli on Impression Formation

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jessica Read, Brigham Young University Communications As the world of online social networking has changed to accommodate public interest, online dating sites have become increasingly popular. With this new trend in social media there has been an increased awareness as to how one might present him or herself in the most favorable way possible through computer mediated stimuli. To find out if nonverbal cues played a significant role in online impression formation, we had males and females randomly assigned to one of two variables, where they viewed stimuli of a member of the opposite gender. The stimuli that was presented was either a photograph accompanied by a written autobiography about a member of the opposite gender, or a video of the person reading their own autobiography, which allowed for the presence of nonverbal cues. Participants rated the subjects in the assigned stimuli on a number of different scales ranging from trustworthiness to sexual attractiveness based on their first impressions. Results showed no significant differences between the presence of nonverbal cues in the video stimuli or the photographic stimuli, reasoning for the indifference participants had towards the nonverbal cues is discussed. However, there were significant gender differences among the first impressions formed, other findings are presented.

Hook-up culture: a qualitative analysis of sexual scripts within gender and religious identidies

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Sarah Dursteler, Weber State University Communications The culture of sex outside intimate relationships including dating scripts and sexual scripts has shifted to one of more ambiguity. Multiple changes in sexual scripts have occurred in the last 50 years with the diversification of types of relationships in which sex occurs, including, a greater acceptance of sex outside of relationships (Gagnon & Simon, 1987). This study is in response to the call for more research on how social identities influence perceptions of sexual interaction (Backstrom, Armstrong, and Puentes, 2012). The purpose of this study is to examine hook-up culture outside of traditional intimate relationships. This study explores the extent of the shift from traditional dating scripts to a culture of hooking up as perceived by males and females that identify with the predominant Latter-Day Saint (LDS) religious culture. Using the tenants of social exchange and scripting theories this study examined the attitudes of males and females. Transcripts from four same gender and religion focus groups and 100 open-ended survey responses provided data for analysis. The constant comparative method (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) provided the means by which to analyze data within emergent categories. One open-ended response question was reviewed to assess content theme analysis. The constant comparative method indicated distinct contrast of perceptions of sexual intimacy between males and females. Findings suggest that there are distinct differences between male and female and LDS and non-LDS attitudes about and perceptions of hook-up culture. These results are consistent with previous research indicating that hooking-up can be a functional strategy used to shift focus from traditional intimate relationships to more academic and professional goals.

Micropropagation studies of Calochortus species

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
María Velasco, Utah Valley University Agriculture Calochortus is a plant genus that includes approximately 60 species distributed in North America with great ornamental and ethnotobanical value. Sego lily, mariposa lily and other common names have been used to describe the different species of Calochortus. Native Americans and settlers have used the bulbs as food, either raw or ground into flour and cooked. C. nuttallii played an important role in the success of colonization of Utah. Between 1840 and 1851 the scarcity of food due to a plague of crickets led to the pioneers to dig for the bulbous roots of sego lily, ensuring the survival of the pioneer population. This research studies the effects of Gibberellic acid on the germination and elongation of these species in vivo and in vitro. Eight different species of Calochortus are being utilized for this experiment to evaluate the effect of this growth regulator on the germination of these species. Different types of media are being tested to evaluate the optimal in vitro conditions that these species require for germination and growth. In addition embryogenesis and organogenesis is being induced by using Benzyl Amino Purine and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid at different concentrations. Sego Lily is the State flower of Utah; micropropagating this plant will allow us to understand and research new methods and conditions to grow these species successfully, making preservation possible since some Calochortus species have been listed as endangered. In addition, other species such as Calohortus ambiguous (Doubting Mariposa Lily), which is distributed in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico, will also benefit from the system developed in this research because they are closely related to Sego Lily (C. nuttallii). The long term goal of this research is to establish an appropriate micropropagation system for a wide variety of Calochortus species.

Martensite Determination and Characterization Using Cross-Correlation EBSD

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Craig Daniels, Brigham Young University Engineering Martensite is a steel phase that has a body-centered tetragonal crystal lattice. It significantly affects the material properties of steel, particularly hardness and strength. Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a microscopy technique that is used to characterize the crystal and grain structure of metals by analyzing diffraction patterns. Martensite is traditionally difficult to identify using EBSD techniques because its diffraction patterns are too similar to the ferrite phase, which is body-centered cubic (BCC). The martensite crystal is modeled as BCC, but with an imposed tetragonal strain. “High resolution” EBSD can reveal the absolute strain of the crystal lattice, and is sensitive enough to measure the strain imposed in the model. This technique uses cross-correlation to compare experimental diffraction patterns to kinematically simulated patterns, and returns the absolute strain tensor. The tensor is rotated into the crystal frame, and the principle strains are used to create a tetragonality index. This tetragonality index can then be used to identify martensite. Further, the lattice parameters of martensite are related to the carbon content. A theoretical tetragonality index can be created using only lattice parameters. If the experimental index can be fitted to the theoretical index, this technique could be used to characterize the carbon content of steel at a sub-grain level.

Space Shooter Game Implemented in Verilog on Spartan-3E FPGA

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jason Ellers, Utah Valley University Engineering Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology is becoming more popular among Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) developers. The ease of development and the maintainability makes FPGAs a very attractive option in many performance and efficiency critical applications. The purpose behind this project was to implement an arcade style game on top of a VGA driver. The project was developed on a Xilinx Spartan-3E Starter board using Verilog, a hardware descriptive language.

Restoration of continence via electrical stimulation following surgically induced incontinence in felines

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Shana Black, University of Utah Engineering Goals: The pudendal nerve (PN) was targeted in attempt to create controlled micturition via intrafascicular electrical stimulation (IES) following the onset of surgically induced incontinence. We investigated both the effectiveness of unilateral and bilateral transection of the PN in creating a model of urinary incontinence and the ability of IES of efferent fibers to excite the external urethral sphincter (EUS) in order to restore a controlled voiding pattern. High Density Utah Electrode Arrays (HD-USEAs) were used to provide IES in these studies.

Urban Rainwater Harvesting Implementation: Institutional and Human-Related Opportunities and Constraints

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Stephanie Mitts, Weber State University Engineering The recent development of rainwater harvesting (RWH) as a local government and individual property owner solution to stormwater management and water supply has led to a wide array of individual program implementations across the country. RWH involves collecting stormwater runoff, storing it and applying it for beneficial reuse or release at a controlled rate. Decreased need of freshwater withdrawals reduces hydrology based energy consumption and protects ecosystems, potentially making RWH a more sustainable and efficient practice than centralized water supply. The goal of this research project was to compile and analyze the national trends for local government urban rainwater harvesting program policy. A survey was created and administered to RWH managers across the country to collect U.S. policy information. This report contains information to be used as a guide for local governments and other institutions considering implementing a program to promote RWH.

Maria Theresia von Paradis (1759-1824): A Blind Composer’s Place in Eighteenth Century Vienna

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Jessica Russell, Dixie State University Fine Arts Early sources tell us women have traditionally played a background role in any event. It is only in recent decades that an interest in their historical role has taken place, and the field of musicology is no exception. Performers and composers that were well-known in their time have been forgotten as time moved forward. One such artist includes the Austrian composer and performer, Maria Theresia von Paradis. A contemporary of Mozart, Paradis was a traveling concert pianist and composer who is mostly remembered for being blind (Neuls-Bates 1982). Unfortunately, one of her most significant contributions to the field of music, namely her school of music for girls, has been forgotten and is left out of historical accounts almost completely. This school, which taught piano, voice, and music theory to girls, was innovative for its time (Fürst 2005). In this presentation, I will discuss the literature related to women in music in an effort to determine the extent to which these sources address Maria Theresia von Paradis and her contributions as a musician, composer, and pedagogue.

Dance Loops: A Dance Performance with Live, Interactive Video Looping

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Hannah Braegger McKeachnie, Utah Valley University Fine Arts Purpose

Non-Intrusive High Voltage Measurement Using Slab Coupled Optical Sensors

January 01, 2014 12:00 AM
Rex King, Brigham Young University Engineering The purpose of this research is to use slab coupled optical sensors (SCOS) to take high voltage measurements at high frequencies. Voltage dividers are currently used to take high voltage measurements. However, these voltage measurements are limited to bandwidths up to the range of 1MHz. SCOS sensors are electric field detectors developed by the BYU optics lab which couple light from a D-shaped fiber into a lithium-niobate slab wave guide. This light couples at certain frequencies and the frequencies at which these resonances occur will shift in proportion to the applied electric field. The electric field measurement can be used to measure voltage.