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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2014 Abstracts

To Be Nobody: Alfonso Kijadurías within the Salvadoran Literary Tradition

William Palomo, Westminster College


While researchers have historically marginalized the literature of El Salvador, Alfonso Kijadurí­as (formerly Alfonso Quijada Urí­as) has earned an international reputation for his diverse and incisive poetic style. Contextualizing Kijadurías’ work within the Salvadoran literary tradition reveals the historical and political backdrop driving Kijadurí­as’ political stances and literary experimentation. Examination of the political, philosophical, and mystical obsessions in Kijadurías’ works demonstrates how his literary career has lived up to and outlasted La Generación Comprometida, a politically-charged literature and arts movement that revolutionized the Salvadoran arts scene during the 1950’s. His work challenges contemporary politicians and the philosophy of Deconstructionism in an attempt to guide the reader through a spiritual transformation that leads to the abandonment of the self and ultimately to freedom.