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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2013 Abstracts

Prominence Residential Depression Treatment Center

Kristina Hess, Weber State University

Interior Design Technology

According to USA Today & Thompson Healthcare Center for Health Statistics and Bureau of Census Data, Utah is has the highest rate of depression in the nation. Research shows that girls become more likely to experience depression than boys in adolescents (NIMH)Prominence Residential Depression Treatment Center for adolescent girls will house the staff needed to perform program duties and will house the in-patient care residents. The facility requires an accredited high school, patient and staff housing, food preparation area, a cafeteria, a nursing station, therapy rooms, admin room, a homework room, and a free time room. Daylighting strategies will be needed for the treatment process. The program at Prominence will incorporate the research from Nedley (2011). The study concluded that part of depression is caused from not getting enough vitamin D that the sun produces. In addition, Prominence wants to promote safety and security for patients and as well as provide a family atmosphere. An appropriate color scheme to facilitate healing as well as accessibility will need to be taken into consideration and planned for accordingly.