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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2014 Abstracts

Assessment of Environmental Awareness among Utah Valley University Students

Michaelle Cadet, Utah Valley University

Life Sciences

Utah County, Utah has an estimated population of 540,000 residents and is considered to be a non-attainment area for criteria pollutants such as PM-10 and CO. High levels of these contaminants may increase the risk of respiratory diseases. Additional environmental issues exist including water contamination and eutrophication of Utah Lake. These environmental issues are frequently on the news and warnings are issued by the Department of Environmental Quality notifying citizens of the potential health concerns associated with environmental pollution. With these announcements, it is expected that Utahans are acutely aware of environmental issues, particularly, in the academic settings. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of environmental awareness among students at Utah Valley University and to correlate the results to socio-demographic categories. Utah Valley University, located in Utah County, is a public institution of higher education with approximately 30,000 registered students. Data for this study was collected through a survey using a multistage sampling technique with population stratified based on colleges and schools within the university. Sample size included approximately 1,000 students. The survey contained 12 environmental questions relating to recent local, national and international media exposure. Standards and protocol of the International Research Board were employed. We hypothesize that married, educated, religious males will positively correlate with higher levels of environmental awareness, but will be less than atheists. Additionally, those identifying with the Republican Party will have lower levels of awareness. No significant difference will be found between majors. Furthermore the young, poor and ethnic populations will be less aware than their more affluent counterparts. Results of this study will be used to inform residents of environmental issues and the associated health concerns. Additionally, this study will be used to inform legislators about the importance of environmental education in the community.