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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2024 Abstracts

Eating Disorders and ADHD

Authors: Danielle Black
Mentors: Chris Anderson
Insitution: Utah Valley University

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric disorder diagnosed in children, characterized by impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. It is frequently co-morbid with eating disorders, primarily bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge-eating disorder (BED). Impulsivity is an important factor in increasing the risk of binge-eating and subsequent feelings of guilt, which may prompt purging behaviors. This often manifests early in childhood as loss of control while eating and can indicate future development of an eating disorder. The current project aimed to assess the link between ADHD symptoms and disordered eating in Utah Valley University alumni. After obtaining IRB approval, 265 alumni responded to an email survey containing nineteen questions regarding ADHD symptoms and three items related to disordered eating. Pearson correlations revealed a significant association between ADHD symptoms and binging (r=.22, p <.01) as well as guilt about eating (r=.17, p <.01). Limitations of the study include the absence of a clinical ADHD diagnoses, relying instead on self-report, and the homogeneous sample, restricting its generalizability. The study was bolstered by its comprehensive coverage of ADHD symptoms and an adequately large sample size to detect statistical significance. This study provides valuable information for those suffering from eating disorders and the clinicians that treat them. Future research could assess the interplay between treating ADHD and reducing the risk of eating disorders. Notably, purging and ADHD symptoms were not significantly correlated, and future research could further explore that relationship. In conclusion, the relationship between binge eating and ADHD symptoms should be acknowledged by clinicians.