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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2022 Abstracts

Scanning the Wall: Medium Format Capture of Oversized Cultural Heritage Items

Presenters: Isaac Harper
Authors: Isaac Harper, Brenna Cochran
Faculty Advisor: Abby Beazer
Institution: Brigham Young University

Over the last decade, medium format imaging solutions have made single-exposure capture of large 2D objects possible, dramatically increasing the throughput and quality of digitization in cultural heritage applications. Despite this, the process of digitizing oversized objects, such as murals and scroll manuscripts is substantially more complicated; little research has been conducted on the efficacy of using such medium format solutions for this purpose. In this study, a throughput workflow for digitizing large-format objects according to FADGI guidelines was developed. This study discusses the workstation set-up, camera calibration, capture process, post-processing and delivery methods involved in digitizing a mural at Brigham Young University. The process allowed for the FADGI-compliant capture and delivery of 42 TIFF master tile images stitched into a production master. Successful development of this process demonstrates the potential this process and others like it have to further the capabilities of cultural heritage digitization solutions.