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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2022 Abstracts

Creating an Environment of Inclusion using Online Modules

Presenter: Brooke Tennison
Authors: Brooke Tennison, Carl Prior, Jane Loftus, Hazel McKenna
Faculty Advisor: Jane Loftus
Institution: Utah Valley University

UtahValleyUniversitystudentscome from diverse backgrounds but have notnecessarily been exposed to an inclusive learning environment that provides equitableopportunities, while fostering the understanding, appreciation, and recognition of diversityand individual differences. Research has shown that a feeling of belonging is directlycorrelated to student retention, success,and well-being.This presentationdemonstratesshort,engaging,groupprojectsand individual “Watch and Discuss” assignmentsthatareincorporatedintoonline andface to face classenvironments,which promote the mission ofinclusion anddiversity as outlined by UVU ( The projectsarestructured such that theymay be used by a variety of departments withintheuniversityand professorschoose the most appropriate project(s) to use intheircourse,such as learning mathwhile becoming aware of social justiceissues ordiscovering howunconscious biasaffects how we work with others.The studentsbenefit by being taught short,effective modules, which are intended toincrease their awareness and acceptance of differences in others, as well as in themselves.If taken as freshmen, these modulesenable students to embrace differences early in their university career, thusenriching theiruniversityexperience, as wellasthe experiences ofother students with whom they interact.Thequalitativeresponses obtained from studentsafter completing the modules,along withasurvey are used to analyze the success of the projectsin helping students feel a sense of belonging and acceptance in a diverse environment.