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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2021 Abstracts

Impact of COVID-19 on Work and Life Across Demographics

Presenter: Naga Bhargav Paritala, University of Utah, Biology
Authors: Man Hung, Naga Bhargav Paritala, Evelyn Ezikwelu, Richelle Castro, Jerry Bounsanga
Faculty Advisor: Man Hung, Public Health, Orthopaedics
Institution: University of Utah

Coronavirus, commonly referred to as COVID-19, has impacted the world in many different. Everyone is in search of remedies to find a vaccine and get the current state into normalcy. Across all demographics, there have been different ways the virus has impacted them. The study that is being done is exploring the impact of COVID-19 on social life, work life, home life, mental health, and child routine among different population groups. Those population groups include gender, working individuals or nonworking individuals before the pandemic, races, age groups, level of education, and income level. The results that have been attained is from a sample size of 1030 and significant reasonings can be made among the different groups.