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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2021 Abstracts

Epigenetic Profiling of Human Peripheral Blood Monocytes

Presenter: Nolan Cole, Life Sciences, Micor-Molecular Biolody
Authors: Nolan Cole, Steven Johnson
Faculty Advisor: Steven Johnson, College of Life Sciences, Micro-Molecular Biology
Institution: Brigham Young University

Identifying the epigenetic mechanisms at play within cell-types is one of the early steps in understanding key reasons behind the differences in healthy and diseased cells. Peripheral blood monocytes play a crucial role in both the innate and adaptive immune system. We explored differences that exist within the epigenetic profiles of human monocytes based on sex. To determine if chromatin accessibility differ, we collected blood samples from 6 adult volunteers. Monocytes were then isolated from each sample. The ATAC-seq protocol was followed, and data analysis was performed. The results of this analysis will determine to what extent chromatin accessibility of human monocytes is impacted by sex. These differences could have implications for therapeutics targeted to assist the immune system.