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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2021 Abstracts

A Tiered Model of Neuroscience Demonstrations for Online Learning

Presenters: Danielle Munds, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Behavioral Science
Authors: Danielle Munds, Michael Doherty, Amy Chevrier, Clayton Rawson, Kaylene Awerkamp
Faculty Advisor: James Taylor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Behavioral Science
Institution: Utah Valley University

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes are becoming an increasingly used format for education. This can come at a large cost for students that (1) learn more efficiently by interacting with the material in real time, (2) are in classes with complicated visual material, such as neuroscience classes, and (3) have little understanding of the best study practices. Learning materials that include strong objectives, interactive activities, consistent checks for understanding, and ways to apply the material in students’ lives are needed more than ever. This project is a model that can be used in the classroom to describe neural communication in various levels, which can also be used as a format for a number of other subject materials. It is divided into four levels of understanding: • Basic expression of neural communication and measurement of such (likely helpful for a Psychology 101 class), • Basic zoomed-in picture of neural communication as well as measurement and stimulation (helpful for intro neuroscience classes), • In-depth explanation of the mechanisms behind neural communication, with measurements and stimulations (helpful for intermediate/advanced neuroscience classes), • In-depth explanation as the point above, with emphasis on the impact of drugs (helpful for psychopharmacology classes).