A Comparison of the Use of Light and Darkness as Symbols in El sí de las niñas by Leandro Maratín and Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla
Brayden Jackman, Southern Utah University
The Worth of an MLB All-Star: Are MLB All-Star Players the Key to Wins, the Playoffs, and the World Series?
Cassidy Mickelson, Southern Utah University All-Stars are given the title of being the best a team has to offer but are they helping their teams get more wins, make it to the playoffs and win the World Series? Players are more likely to make the MLB all-star team in the first years of their career, thus a team should identify and purchase these players if it is found that these players could help a team be successful. It is also in the team’s best interest to know how many players they should purchase with an “all-star” status. This study found that while holding home game attendance, salary, earned run average (ERA) and fielding percentage constant, a team should try to have 8-9 all-stars on their team to increase wins and probability of making the playoffs, while 6-7 all-stars will help a team to win the World Series.
Does Game Attendance Effect Winning Percentage?
Taylor Leavitt, Southern Utah University College sporting events are a huge ordeal at most universities across the nation. Students, faculty and community members begin tailgating hours before a football game every Saturday during the season. As soon as football has ended, basketball becomes a main focus and then spring sports take over. This study examines the effects attendance at sporting events has on winning percentages at home games while also considering the opposite, the effect winning percentages have on attendance. The model examines football, men’s and women’s basketball, and gymnastics events at Southern Utah University. The different variables being measured/controlled for on winning percentage include attendance at games, pre-season versus regular season games, special event games such as rivalry or homecoming games, and day of the week. The results of the study indicate higher attendance at Southern Utah University games result in a higher winning percentage. The results also show for men’s and women’s basketball that having a week day game increases attendance at games compared to a weekend game. If a team already has a high winning percentage, games are likely to have higher attendance and therefore help the team to continue to win games. ** The result indicated in the above abstract are only hypothesized results and not actual at this point. **
The Collaborative Process: How law enforcement agencies and universities research together
Steiner Houston, Weber State University
The Nuance of 'Thou': A Multi-Genre Analysis of Shakespeare's Second-Person Pronouns
Braxton Thornley, Dixie State University
The Use and Ownership of the Toothbrush in San Martín Jilotepeque, Guatemala
Mackynzie Parry, Utah Valley University
Molecular Subtyping of Colorectal Cancer using High-Frequency Ultrasound
Alexis Holman, Utah Valley University Health
The Impact of Evidence-Based Parent Education in Organized Youth Sport: A Pilot Study
Michael King, Utah State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
Effects of Intimate Partner Relationships on PTSD Symptoms and Depression in Pararescuemen.
Gry Wheaton, AnnaBelle Bryan, James Stephenson, and Chad Morrow, University of Utah Social and Behavioral Sciences
Coaching Behavior Effects on Athlete Affect during Competition
Shawn King, Dixie State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
The Influence of Locus of Control on Behavioral Manifestations of Cognitive Contol
Kaylie Carbine, Brigham Young University Social and Behavioral Sciences
Families’ Financial Investment in Organized Youth Sport
Michael King, Utah State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
Contextual and Relational Approaches to Experiential Therapies
Benjamin Hardy, Brigham Young University Social and Behavioral Sciences
Residues and Independence Numbers of Graphs
Grant Molnar, Brigham Young University Mathematical Sciences One important attribute of a network of points, or graph, is its independence number: the maximum size of a set of points (vertices) in which no two vertices are joined by an edge. The degree sequence of a graph is a list recording the number of edges that meet at each vertex. The residue of a graph is a number computed by an algorithm that reduces the degree sequence to a string of zeroes. Calculating the independence number of large graphs in general is believed to be computationally hard. However, the residue can be calculated much more easily and is a lower bound for the independence number. In many cases res(G)=ind(G), and it is an open question when equality holds.
Modulation of adhesion molecules in brain endothelial cell lines by Plasmodium berghei ANKA
Stephen Tahan, Westminster College Life Sciences
Effects of distractor familiarity on working memory for time
J Daniel Obray, Utah State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
A Study of Bonneville Cutthroat Population and Habitat for Potential Transplant
Jens Swensen, Southern Utah University Physical Sciences
Exploring Properties of Cayley Graphs of Z with Infinite Generating Sets
Daniel Gulbrandsen, Utah Valley University Mathematical Sciences
Rape Myths: Would you intervene?
Naomi Buys, Dixie State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
The Impact of Common Ground Outdoor Adventures on Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families
Jessica Swain, Utah State University Social and Behavioral Sciences
Facile Preparation of First-Row Transition Metal Chalcogenides as Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts in Water
Lia Bogoev, Utah State University Physical Sciences