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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2022 Abstracts

The Role of Slm1 in Mitochondrial Function

Presenter: Yung-Chi Lan
Authors: Yung-Chi Lan, Markus Babst
Faculty Advisor: Markus Babst
Institution: University of Utah

Synthetic Lethal with Mss4 1 (Slm1) is a protein know for interacting with the TOR complex 2 during stress response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast). However, its role in respiratory regulation has never been discussed about. We discovered that Slm1 colocalizes with mitochondria under hypo-osmotic stress, and may be responsible for phenotypes that affects mitochondria by causing mitochondria fragmentation. Through sequential study of the primary structure of Slm1 protein, we suggest possible sites of phosphorylation and unstructured regions that could be the key to causing the phenotype, whose mechanism involves protein phase separation. Here we present microscopic pictures as well as quantification data, aiming to support our hypothesis.