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Utah's Foremost Platform for Undergraduate Research Presentation
2022 Abstracts

A Mathematical Model for the Transmission of Dengue Fever with Multiple Serotypes

Presenters: Brooklyn Price
Authors: Brooklyn Price, Nicholas Garrett, Xiaoxia Xie
Faculty Advisor: Vinodh Chellamuthu
Institution: Dixie State University

Over the last several decades Dengue Fever has become a prevalent disease with almost 100 million cases on average per year (CDC, 2021). The primary vector for transmission of dengue fever is theAedes aegyptimosquito. We have developed a hybrid, temperature-driven, multi-compartmental model that demonstrates the connection between temperature, and theAedes aegyptimosquito population. This model takes into account how the different serotypes of dengue fever spread throughout the human population via mosquito transmission. The model also considers how individuals gain immunity through recovery from a serotype, but they may still remain susceptible to other dengue serotypes. Furthermore, this model has the potential to be used to assist in designing strategies to reduce infections through the control of the mosquito population.